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These 6 Remote Work Podcasts Will Help Workers Thrive

The show’s host Vishen Lakhiani brings you powerful ideas regarding personal growth for the mind, body, spirit, and work. The last time America’s work schedule shifted so dramatically was during the Great Depression, when Franklin Roosevelt signed the 40-hour work week into law. Now, after the upheaval of the pandemic, Stanford’s Steven Davis is confident that the five-day in-person workweek is history. At Zoom headquarters, https://remotemode.net/ workspace executive Alana Collins showed Pogue some of Zoom’s new products for hybrid work. There’s an off-site receptionist, who can cover multiple floors, or even buildings; and there’s a system for reserving a desk or a conference room on the days you come to work. Even so, at this point about a third of Americans are working on a hybrid schedule, and that number is expected to grow as more employers go hybrid.

Building Remotely is hosted by SafetyWing CEO and co-founder Sondre Rasch – an insurance company for nomads. The Black Tech Unplugged podcast gives you stories about people of color who are employees in the tech space. Host Deena McKay amplifies their voices and shares their experience about success, failure, racial inequality, and diversity efforts at the workplace. Sharon Gourlay is a professional blogger who has built and sold multiple online businesses and is my go-to expert for all things blog monetization. In this podcast, she gets into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build, scale, and sell blogs. She really knows her stuff and is a valuable resource for anyone interested in working remotely by starting their own online business.

Want Access to 20,000+ More Remote and Flexible Jobs?

From gender discrimination to maternity leave to racial justice, these podcast hosts and HBR staffers don’t shy away from the tough topics. Many remote workers have their own side hustles in addition to full time roles, with more than 24% of Americans involved in the digital gig economy. With atypical schedules and more freedom, remote workers have created a community of independent thinkers, creatives, and motivational supporters of the flexible work movement.

It can be junior folks who don’t really know their way around the organization very well and are relatively new. It might be non-native language speakers who don’t feel that comfortable even face-to-face, never mind when they’re working remotely in an organizational https://remotemode.net/blog/8-remote-work-podcasts-to-check-out-if-you-wfh/ setting. This can be extremely challenging when faced with a 3pm productivity slump on a Wednesday afternoon. If you are in need of some inspirational and motivational business episodes then The Diary of A CEO with Steven Bartlett is for you.

How to Manage Two Remote Jobs?

Topics discussed include why leaders should think like futurists, changing approaches to leadership, and the power of flexible, hybrid work. There are also episodes on forming better habits and avoiding self-sabotage. A podcast interested in the idea of “life beyond your borders,” About Abroad discusses topics of being an expat and working from anywhere.

remote work podcasts to check out if you wfh

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